Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015

Cannot set headphones as default playback [SOLVED]

Cannot set headphones as default playback [SOLVED]

Sebelum memulai spesifikasi komputer saya adalah HP ENVY 23-d045d TouchSmart All-in-One Desktop PC.

Menemui masalah ini memang sangat mengganggu terutama bila anda seorang gamer, hahaha...headset adalah salah satu instrumen penting...

Hal ini bermula ketika saya meng-upgrade windows 8.1 saya secara online gratis ke windows 10, awalnya semua berjalan lancar. Sebelum melakukan upgrade saya melakukan update semua driver hardware sesuai petunjuk dari Web resmi HP

Setelah sekian lama browsing ke sana ke mari, bahkan mondar mandir di Web resmi Microsoft dan HP gak nemu-nemu, akhirnya saya putuskan untuk coba download beberapa driver chipset utama PC dan setelah mencoba-coba akhirnya bisa juga. So sebagai Knowledge Sharing buat semua pengguna komputer dan khususnya gamer mungkin tulisan ini bisa membantu. Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :
1.      Pastikan Jenis dan Model PC anda
2.      Coba cari dan download Intel Chipset Installation Utility and Driver terbaru
3.      Ikuti langkah-langkah proses instalasi, pada saat proses biasanya muncul Installing Headset
4.      Restart PC anda
5.      Coba pasang Headset anda dan dengarkan suaranya...

Selamat mencoba semoga bermanfaat.
Bagi yang memiliki PC HP mungkin bisa mendownload di sini


Cannot set headphones as default playback [SOLVED]

Before we begin this is my computer specifications are 23-d045d HP ENVY TouchSmart All-in-One Desktop PC.

Encountered this problem is very annoying especially if you are a gamer, LOL... headset is one of the important instruments ...

It began when I upgrade my Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 online free, initially all went smoothly. Before the upgrade I update all hardware drivers as the instructions from the HP official site

After a long time browsing here anbd there, even pacing at the official site of Microsoft and HP didn't find anything, I finally decided to try download several major PC chipset drivers and after trying some chipset driver finally I got the solution. So as Knowledge Sharing for all computer users, and especially gamers maybe this article can help. The steps are as follows:
1.      Make sure the type and model of your PC
2.      Try to find and download the latest Intel Chipset Installation Utility and Driver
3.      Follow the step-by-step installation process, mean in the process it usually appear Headset Installed
4.      Restart your PC
5.      Try to install your headset and listen to his voice ...

Good luck hopefully useful.
For those who have a PC HP may be downloaded here


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